Name of building: Tel Aviv University Memorial Site
Location: Tel Aviv
Building Year: 1985
Design: Michael Gross

The memorial for fallen soldiers from Tel Aviv University is situated at the heart of the University campus. It is located in an area that connects the University’s Humanities building with its Exact Sciences building. The area is flanked by a building that serves as a spiritual center (a synagogue) and by the Diaspora Museum.
The planning of the site was predicated upon a set of contradictions: on the one hand, its location makes it an integral part of campus life; on the other hand, it is a site for communing with the casualties of war. The upper part of a sandstone wall is engraved with a dedication to the fallen soldiers.
This is the southern wall of a large room(8.0x5.0 meters), which is sunk 1.7 meters below ground. The room has two additional walls made of concrete and a fourth wall coated with lead, which is engraved with the names of the fallen soldiers. A narrow staircase descends into the underground space and disconnects the viewer from his environment and from what is taking place above ground, thus offering a space for communion with the dead. The floor of this space is covered with gravel, and it resounds with the footsteps of those passing through it.